Dukes Farm Member Favorites & Least Favorites

Tomatoes: the favorite vegetable of CSA members in 2019

Lettuce has been bumped from its top perch (from 2018), and the new CSA member favorite is the tomato, which was the eighth favorite last season!  Reigning in disgrace two seasons running is the humble turnip.

Our end-of-season survey asked members what their least and favorite vegetables were for the 2019 season.  The number in parenthesis notes how many times it was selected as a member favorite in the survey.  As one can see, there is quite a bit of overlap between the favorite and least favorites, especially toward the bottom of the lists.

For the 2020 season (as with last season), we will focus on growing the top 10 favorite vegetables for members’ boxes.  We will, of course, grow much more than that.  And we will generally offer the top least favorite vegetables as part of our choice component, so you can opt out of the least favorites, if you choose.

The 10 favorite vegetables from 2019 are:
  1. Tomatoes (25)
  2. Lettuce (23)
  3. Cucumbers (19)
  4. Garlic (18)
  5. Broccoli & Carrots (17)
  6. Zucchini/Summer Squash (16)
  7. Winter Squash & Sweet Basil (14)
  8. Sugarsnap Peas, Potatoes, and Spinach (13)
  9. Cilantro (12)
  10. Beans & Beets (10)
The 10 least favorite vegetables from 2018:
As in 2018:  Vegetabilis non grata
  1.  Turnips (20)
  2. Chard & Radishes (15)
  3. Tomatillos, Baby Mustard Greens, Collards, Celery & Beets (11)
  4. Arugula (10)
  5. Parsley, Garlic Scapes & Thai Basil (9)
  6. Pac Choi & Hot Peppers (8)
  7. Winter Squash, Zucchini/Summer Squash & Kale (7)
  8. Dill
  9. Sweet Peppers & Sweet Basil (4)
  10. Corn, Onions, Snow Peas & Sugar Pumpkins (3)